iPhone 5 and What it Can Do For Your Business

iPhone 5 and What it Can Do For Your Business

Upon Apple’s announcement of the new iPhone 5 due to be released on September 21st, many people have been speculating on the ways that it will be helpful to businesses. The new features definitely have the ability to change things for some professionals, but how? The team at ATA has some ideas:

  • LTE and Wi-Fi—The faster data speed is good news for all users, but it can also help users upload important data (in large amounts) or stream videos faster which can be great for presentation, meetings, and transactions.
  • Durability– The new materials may be more durable which can be helpful in preventing emergency situations in the work day. For businesses that rely on their handhelds for constant communication, a broken phone can be devastating. The aluminum backing rather than glass may be helpful in preventing cracks and other phone damage.
  • Increase in screen size– A bigger screen can help professionals access information more quickly so that they can absorb and handle important data faster.
  • Longer battery life—With an increase in battery life, users may be able to use their phones for longer periods of time without interruption, and perform bigger tasks without the risk of losing power.

Potentially the most important factor though, is that iPhone 5 will likely trigger another wave of related devices that can better help your business. For more information about technology that can help your company, contact a team member from American Tech Association at any time.

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