Office 365: An Overview

Office 365: An Overview

After Microsoft’s announcement that Office 2013 would be available soon, many people began expressing interest in the Office 365 cloud upgrades. The improvements to the cloud system may bring in more customers for several reasons:

  • The cost is low. The most basic packages start at $4 a month, but the prices do not increase dramatically for more features. Small and large companies may have differing demands, so reviewing the offers of each package is necessary in deciding which to purchase.
  • IT is included. Updates, problem solving, and even large-scale maintenance issues are the responsibility of Microsoft, not the user. This can simplify IT demands for companies using the Microsoft cloud and fix errors faster across the board.
  • You can use it anywhere. Because Office 365 is a cloud device, you can access helpful Microsoft programs from any device that has internet access. Documents and projects can continue from an iPad or a desktop computer as long as the user has a wifi connection.

Discussing the available Office 365 features with an IT professional may be helpful when deciding on a cloud system for your office or company.


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